Sunday, July 1, 2012

6-30-12 to 7-1-12 on Little River

So a mere week from my first overnight solo I joined a fencing friend for an overnight on the northern extremes of Little River.  I have spent a great deal of time on the southern end exploring Little River State Park in the winter but had never tried the norther entrance.  After about a mile and then half a mile bushwhacking through steep hill I got to the point where we would be camping.
 The whole thing was very scenic and busy.  At one point there were 7 boats and 20 people in direct eyesight from here.  Sal had a great time playing with my companion's dog Hugh running up and down this wet, muddy sand bar while we stood knee deep and warm water fishing.
 He had arrived by canoe, much easier than my root.  We pulled the boat further upriver to make camp as the sun started settling in the horizon.
 We camped on a dirt island which had been washed out on both sides by the tributary stream.  It was a perfect stop, easy to set up camp and start a fire with all the super dry wood.  The night proved to be almost daylight from a very bright moon.  The fire went out and it was hard to notice a difference.
The next morning was a beautiful one, up at 5:20am thanks to the dogs.
 The walk was out, I found a less bushwhacking intensive way out on this old dirt road.
Found this on the way out, not sure what it is suppose to be.  Blair Witch Project anyone?  I got home and after launching my new kayak for the first time I crashed and slept for 4 hours. A brilliant trip.

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