Saturday, September 1, 2012

8-26-12 Sailing on Lake Champlain

I spent the entire day from 9am to almost 9pm on Lake Champlain sailing on a 22 foot sailboat with two French-Canadian family friends.  They have know my family from before my birth.  It was a great day for such an adventure.
Beautiful skies, southern winds from 10-20 knots, and a multitude of sails on the horizon.  At one point I started counting and stopped when I got over 50 boats and had not finished.
And of course my companions
Francine, regally manning the helm.
Bernard, calm and carrying on.
The site to warm any sailors hearts, full sails.
After sailing back to the mooring we indulged in lox with onions, capers and olive oil, fresh veggies, champagne, dark chocolate and wine.  When we finally got to shore it was almost 9 and the light had faded. By the time I got home I was tired and glad to be done driving.  A great day.

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