Monday, November 3, 2008

Fear and Loathing in the Public Library

The library is an asset in Squirrel Hill that I rarely frequent, partially because of the late fees on my library card which regulates my reading to their facilities (paying utilities is far more important than those pesky tithes) and because of the weird way outlets are hid there so using a laptop can be difficult.

Never the less, I was there recently, sitting by the big front windows reading and watching this young couple to my left with their one-year old playing on the carpeted window seat. They were talking about politics and their support of Obama when suddenly the father looks down at the child and coos , "...and we are going to have health care, yes we are. You and I are even going to have social security..."

It is strange that these are the lullabies we sing our children. May November 4 bring at least the chance that the father's promise comes true.

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