Monday, August 9, 2010

Dix Mountain on 7/24/10

We had originally had a plan to do an overnight through the peak of Dix Mountain (4,840 ft) to a shelter on the far side but we ended up doing a day hike instead with a total of 13.6 miles.
The trail head sign doesn't show that 2,000 feet of that ascent was in the last half mile or so. On the way I found two piles of rocks, I rebuilt the smaller one with Sal's supervision. Intense supervision.The view from the sorta base of the mountain. Of course this is 5 miles in. These cleared batch of rock was really cool, water was streaming down it.
Yeah, this what we still had to climb.
As we pushed on the slope must have been close to 45 degrees. The view off the side showed more of those exposed rock faces.
See? Damn steep. We got a little further then reluctantly turned around. It was at least another half mile to go and maybe 1000 feet ascent left and it was late in the day. I am glad though, we were tired enough that climbing back down was hard and that extra ascent would have done us in. Still sucks to turn back.
Sal was a bit tired at this point but at least he had the sense to enjoy the view.Heather pointed out that a bear hadn't made this and the claw marks were cut by a knife. And I totally knew that from the beginning.
Back at the parking lot with our feet up on the back of the car. Sal was a good pillow.

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