Monday, August 9, 2010

Morgan Horse Farm 7/10/10

It is intriguing to me how this has turned more into a journal that I use to record the dates and explorations of my life. In fact it is the only place that I have a whole record of all of my hikes. I have found it a good reminder just how busy we have been.

But now about this post. This is from the Morgan Horse Farm which is located south of Burlington and is run by the University of Vermont (UVM). Heather's folks came out this weekend and because of their interest in horses we went to take a look. Because I am who I am I took a picture of this fascinating carriage. I always intrigued to see the mechanical variations use to steer over the years. This was a replica and actually had hydraulic brakes.What is also notable is where they used wood and where they didn't. For any complicated compound curve wood stepped in. I imagine it is much more forgiving than cast iron.
This is the actual barn. A unique structure build entirely around the children of a single stud. The horses themselves are not the most impressive of creatures in relation to stature but they are quite beautiful. The stalls were hard to see into so I didn't have any good pictures of them. After working at a studio in a horse farm this was a pleasant trip.

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