Monday, August 9, 2010

Platz River And Shelburne Bay 7/5/10

After the overnight in the Siamese Pond Wilderness it seemed like a good idea to go and find reprieve from the hot weather by finding a swim-able stream to go an soak in. We had driven over this access on the way to a running trail and we figured why the hell not.
If you saw the fishing pole sticking out of my kayak, take a deep breath and don't worry: no fish were harmed in the making of these photos. Or ever.
It is deceptively beautiful. While there was much lush greenery everywhere the river itself was very dead. The water smelled of cow manure, so much so that after we went in a couple of miles and reached the road overpass (from which this river looked quite interesting) we turned around. We didn't bother trying to fish and my feet stayed well clear of the water.Instead we headed out into Shelburne Bay. I was clear and no winds to blow us around. There were some superb fishing ground but because it is us we caught nothing. Still it was an excellent end to what had been an unpleasant kayaking trip. And from there we went home and had amazing food and a brilliant birthday.

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