Sunday, December 18, 2011

12-17-11 Mount Elmore

Mt. Elmore is a new hike for me.  This is at the north end of the Worcester Range in Vermont.  I have climbed all the other peaks in the range and this one was the last to cross off my list.
It was 22 degrees outside.and a tad windy.  It was cold enough that my camera couldn't handle it.  This was the only picture it took before it died.
There was mixed clouds, the view was rather limited but I have a feeling with clear skies this would be amazing.

Almost a clear shot.  At least my phone managed to capture these.  It was damn icy at the top and I took my time.  And half way down I realized my keys (specifically just my house keys) had fallen down a hole in my pockets.  I hiked half way back up before just turning around.  Luckily it had fallen inside the liner so the keys were not lost.

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