Friday, April 19, 2013

4-14-13 Little River

Again Little River.  A little less snow, another part I had not been to before.  It is a big park.
It was an odd space but I liked it.  The water was mostly frozen over but what wasn't was crystal clear.
Looking north up the lake.  Cold cold water under that.
There was a faucet for warmer times.  I tried a couple of different shots. This was one of the better ones but still did not get the oddness of it.
Ever optimistic grills.  Slightly askew.
And if you ever have to ask, what does a grill see?  Well here it is.
Beaver hard a work and very fresh. Saw lots of stumps.
There was this fantastic bend and you could see down 10 feet.
Probably the last time I will see this frozen this winter.
This is the powerstation behind the Waterbury Dam.
At the top is a small concerte structure with this on it.  Built in 1938 they did go art deco on it. On a dam.  In the middle of the mountains.  In Vermont.
Even with the fixtures, art deco.  I like though so all  is good.
The actually flood gates.  This is where the magic happens, ladies...

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