Sunday, July 21, 2013

7-21-13 Shelburne Bay

I worked Saturday so my recreation this weekend was limited.  I had been re-urethaning the bottom of my skin-on-frame boat, and managed to test it after work on Saturday to make sure it was no longer taking in water.  It wasn't, which was so gratifying  so I got past the island in Shelburne Bay before turning back as the sun set.
The cliffs where I turned around.  The rocks were cool and the cedar trees barely holding one.
Teuthida was glad to be in the water so the next day, after sleeping until 3:30 I grabbed Craig and jumping in both of my kayaks into the water at Shelburne Bay again.
The waves were1'-2', a solid challenge and a lot of fun to cut through.  We headed out Red Rocks where some kids were cliff diving off 45' cliffs.  It was impressive to sit and watch.
Craig was in my plastic boat so he had my cell phone.  He backed into the gap in the rock and took a picture as I went past.
Just chillin' by the rocks.  The water was rough and fun, a rest was needed before heading back.
The ever reliable iphone camera struggled with the waves knocking us around.
That is not the sun, it is the full moon coming out as the sun set.  It was an awesome, challengeing 7 mile trip.  The waves were fun and exhausting at the same time and my little boat liked to dance on them.  Sure I was wet, but I was sitting in a boat design and made by me with a paddle carved by my hands while exploring cliffs witha friend.  No one else on that like could say that.

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